Welcome at the website of our midwifery practise
How to reach us
You can reach the midwife on duty 24h a day on 06-21531010 (if unanswered call 06-52265395)
Any questions (less urgent): please call us daily between 19.00h-20.00h on 06-21531010
To make an appointment
Registrate online or call our assistant Brigitte at our office at 040-2821193 on:
Monday morning 09.00-12.00h, Wednesday evening 17.00-20.00h, Friday morning 09.00-12.00h.
Information in English available on alphabetic order:
Arrange: What do you need to arrange after your first appointment
Baby movements: Feeling tour baby move and Information on feeling your baby move
Baby’s growth: Monitor your baby’s growth
Birth: Childbirth when should you call
Birth: How to prepare for birth
Birth: giving birth in the Netherlands: Simone Buitendijk, Professor of Maternal and Child Health gives a keynote speech about givingirth in the Netherlands at the Babyface congress in Amsterdam:
Birth: Birth plan icons (second link (pdf) on the opening page)
Birth: Your birth: how to deal with pain
Birth: Birhting positions (only available in Dutch)
Breasfeeding theme meeting GGD (free of charge)
Call:When to call the midwife in pregnancy
Call: Childbirth when should you call
Conceiving: Planning a healty pregnancy
Corona: mijnvraagovercorona.nl/en
Courses: English pregnancy courses:
Daily activities for better pregnancy and birth
Eating in pregnancy what not to eat, handy app (in Dutch but with easy green/yellow/red indicator)
Heelprick and hearing test: Screening tests for newborn babies
Hemoglobinopathie information about carrier testing
Hemoglobinopathie who qualifies for carrier testing
Infections: I am pregnant. What can I do to not get infections?
Maternity care, to be aranged preferably before 16 weeks: the following maternity care organisations are active in Eindhoven:
- Kraamzorgdeervaring.nl
- Kraamzorglavie
- Kraamzus (prior known as homecare)
- Mediplan
- VDA (English website)
- Zorgmed
- Peetskraamzorg.nl
- Lethas
- ABCkraamzorg
Mental health brochure: Where is the pink cloud
Miscarriage When you have pain in your lower abdomen or back or if you lose blood please call us directly at 06-21531010.
Necessities List of necessities
Pelvic floor information and exercises
PREGNANT (Nation wide brochure)
Prenatal screening for Down syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome
Questions we will ask you at your first visit: zwangerwijzer-engels.pdf
Ultrasound scan: The 13-week scan and the 20-week scan.
22 weken prik (whooping cough vaccination)
See you at our practice
Greetings Anne, Connie, Sabine (midwives) and Brigitte (assistent)
The office address