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Welcome at the website of our midwifery practise

How to reach us

You can reach the midwife on duty 24h a day on 06-21531010 (if unanswered call 06-52265395)

Any questions (less urgent): please call us daily between 19.00h-20.00h on 06-21531010


To make an appointment

Registrate online or call our assistant Brigitte at our office at 040-2821193 on:

Monday morning 09.00-12.00h, Wednesday evening 17.00-20.00h, Friday morning 09.00-12.00h.



Information in English available on alphabetic order:


Arrange: What do you need to arrange after your first appointment



Baby movements: Feeling tour baby move and Information on feeling your baby move

Baby’s growth: Monitor your baby’s growth

Birth: Childbirth when should you call

Birth: How to prepare for birth

Birth: giving birth in the Netherlands: Simone Buitendijk, Professor of Maternal and Child Health gives a keynote speech about givingirth in the Netherlands at the Babyface congress in Amsterdam:

Birth: Birth plan icons (second link (pdf) on the opening page)

Birth: Your birth: how to deal with pain

Birth: Birhting positions (only available in Dutch)

Breastfeeding Information

Breasfeeding theme meeting GGD (free of charge)


Call:When to call the midwife in pregnancy

Call: Childbirth when should you call

Conceiving: Planning a healty pregnancy

Corona: mijnvraagovercorona.nl/en

Courses: English pregnancy courses:



Daily activities for better pregnancy and birth



Eating in pregnancy what not to eat, handy app (in Dutch but with easy green/yellow/red indicator)



Heelprick and hearing test: Screening tests for newborn babies

Hemoglobinopathie information about carrier testing

Hemoglobinopathie who qualifies for carrier testing



Infections: I am pregnant. What can I do to not get infections?



Maternity care, to be aranged preferably before 16 weeks: the following maternity care organisations are active in Eindhoven:

Mental health brochure: Where is the pink cloud

Miscarriage When you have pain in your lower abdomen or back or if you lose blood please call us directly at 06-21531010.



Necessities List of necessities



Pelvic floor information and exercises

Planning a healty pregnancy

PREGNANT (Nation wide brochure)

Prenatal screening for Down syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome



Questions we will ask you at your first visit: zwangerwijzer-engels.pdf



Telephone accessibility



Ultrasound scan: The 13-week scan and the 20-week scan.



22 weken prik (whooping cough vaccination)


See you at our practice

Greetings Anne, Connie, Sabine (midwives) and Brigitte (assistent)

The office address

Ceramlaan 12, 5641 GD Eindhoven